Full list of prices.

Under 18 Annual Membership – €10

Under 18 Annual Membership, covers the calendar year. One membership vote. Proof of age may be requested.


Annual Membership – €20

Annual Membership covers the calendar year. One membership vote.


Annual Family Membership – €30

Annual Family Membership covers the calendar year for two adults and all immediate children below the age of 18 years of age.  One membership vote per family membership.


Overseas Annual Membership – €10

Annual Overseas Membership (not Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland) covers the calendar year. One membership vote. This is offered to allow people with an interest in the Irish Deer Society to become members. Proof of address may be requested.


Lifetime Membership – €80

Life membership is full membership until either death, formal withdrawal request submitted in writing to the National Committee or removal of membership by the National Committee due to member’s actions bringing the Irish Deer Society into disrepute.


Lifetime Family Membership – €100

This is full membership of both adults until either death, formal withdrawal request submitted in writing to the National Committee or removal of membership by the National Committee due to members actions bringing the Irish Deer Society into disrepute. All immediate children of both adults will have membership up to the day they turn 18 years of age. One membership vote per family membership.


PDF Membership Form: CLICK HERE

